Fossil Locations

Uniformitarianism “the present is the key to the past, James Hutton observed the processes of the earth, in 1785 


pic courtesy of discovering image of  Lyme regis

 1811 the first complete skeleton of a Mesozoic marine reptile  ichthyosaurs was found by Mary and  Joseph Manning , the rock type found in  Lyme Regis UK, found within  laid down shale  of sediments roughly 200 million years , fast forward to 1982 fossils of the Ichthyosaur  found in north Japan within black slate, Holzmaden in Germany  fossils   found in a location called lagerstatten ,trend among all three locations is that all the species were found in similar shale rock of layered sediments that were once part of the sea, uplifted a now  inland. On February 12th 2014 a fossil 248 million years old was discovered in Anhui China the fossil revealed it was that of an Ichthyosaur carrying two unborn inside her the fossils are from the Mesozoic era

journal.pone.0088640.g002image courtesy of Plusone, oldest recorded Icthyosaur fossils location China

 The Mesozoic world  

Roughly 190 million years ago  Pangaea divided into two main land mass areas, Gowanda to the south  and to the North Laurasia German scientist Alfred Wegner had a theory that the continents were joined into a super continent ,Wegner read about identical plant and animal fossils found on opposite sides to the Atlantic ocean,  the fossils he reckoned were too similar to be dismissed, plant fossils from the fern Glossepters were found in south America, India, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica the countries that largely made up Gowanda.   the  seeds were too large to of traveled by wind, in which the plant grew must  also of have been of similar climatic temperatures, his  hypothesis is the continents drifted apart and we now know that plate tectonics and convection currents  allowed this mass drift to occur. Rock formations of America and Ireland, Scotland and  Norway  as were the marks left by glaciations showing the unique direction added to the evidence.

Pangea All 6 of 6

pic courtesy of International Appalachian trail, the break up of the super continent pangea.

Jurassic period  was undergoing a period of transgression  the sea was rising and resulting in marine strata over  terrestrial strata,  chains of mountains along  France and the Armorican massif of Brittany were formed and  the Vosges of the black forest in Germany, there was some folding thrusting and metamorphism in the chains, along the Alps trenches were formed, from the Liassic seas plate convergence uplifting stratified layers of sedimentary rock give us  fossils from the black carbon rich shale’s of the Holzmaden in Germany, and that of plesiosaurs and crocodiles, In Asia high pressure low temperature metamorphism  terrains along subduction zones   around Japan,,the Kumikotan    the cretaceous Yezo grouping of sedimentary  rock   and it unconformity is in a fault contact with the Kamuikotan, the  limestone and shale location of  fossils found in 1982 .End of the Cretaceous  only in the Danian strata between Denmark to Sweden is the crocodilian Thorasosauras still swimming the Mesozoic waters, the reptiles  time had come to an end, the fossil of the Ichthyosaurs recently found in china a reminder of what once was.

small Island Japan, courtesy of Scientific American


  Bjorn, Kurten (1968). The Age of the Dinosaurs. London: Weidenfeld and Nickolson. p1-222.

Brenton,J,Micheal (2004). Vertibrate Paleontology. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. p1-472

Briggs,E.G.Derek & Crowther,R.Peter (2001,2003). Paleobiology 2. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd.. p440-444.

Okada,H. & Mateer,N.J. (2000). Creataceous Enviornments of Asia. Tokyo: Elesevier. p155-167.  

Journals Montani,Ryosahe.&da-young,Jiang.&Tintori,Andre&Rioppel Olivier. (2014). Terrestrial Origin of Viviparity in Mesozoic Marine Reptiles Indicated by Early Triassic Embryonic Fossils. plosone. 1 (1), 1


Bbc nature prehistoric life.

Wikipedia, the Mesozoic


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